UABPA Networking Night, August 22, 2019, Fairfield, NJ

UABPA Networking Night, August 22, 2019, Fairfield, NJ


A successful Networking night!!
How did you spend your evening?
Ukrainian American professionals and entrepreneurs chose to network and empower each other.
Thank you Ivana Lotoshynski and People Wealth Matters, LLC for hosting us and for your Spot Light presentation.
Thank you, Bogdan Tabaka and Chudo Marketing for sharing your expertise.
We’d love you to be a part of our next event, mark your calendar! Every 3rd Thursday of the month!
More information will follow…

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Istorychna Pravda – Vakhtang Kipiani, May 12, 2019, Whippany

Istorychna Pravda – Vakhtang Kipiani, May 12, 2019, Whippany

Вахтанг Кіпіані – журналіст, історик. Головний редактор сайту «Історична правда» та ведучий однойменної програми на телеканалі ZIK. Засновник Музею-архіву української преси. Викладач в УКУ і НаУКМА.
Під час події є можливість придбати книги “Друга світова війна. Непридумані історії” та “Закарпаття в боротьбі”, видану до 80-ліття Карпатської України.
Також метою зустрічі є поповнення ендаумента для підтримки проектів громадської організації “Історична правда”. Це можна зробити через Разом, готівкою, чеком чи через PayPal
Історична правда є частиною Razom Partners.
Співорганізатори UABPA

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Hourglass Success Stories Video

Hourglass Success Stories Video

Valiant Video Productions Youtube Channel
Brought to you by the Ukrainian American Business and Professionals Association and the Ukrainian Institute of America present Hourglass Success Stories. Recorded at the Ukrainian Institute of America in Manhattan. February 23, 2019. Video Services provided by Valiant Video Productions.

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Hourglass Discussion “Success Stories”

Hourglass Discussion "Success Stories"

Media links about this event:
Ukrainian Weekly
Ukrainian Institute of America
Consulate General of Ukraine in NY:
We are excited to announce our first “Hourglass Success Stories” event at the Ukrainian Institute of America! Join us!

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Christmas Party, December 2nd, 2018, The Excelsior

Christmas Party, December 2nd, 2018, The Excelsior

It was an awesome evening! Thank you all who came to celebrate with us!!!

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NYC Networking/ US-Ukraine Business Opportunities Discussions at Dentons, New York, May 3, 2017

NYC Networking/ US-Ukraine Business Opportunities Discussions at Dentons, New York, May 3, 2017

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Immigration Legal Aid Clinic and Networking, March 10, 2017, Ukrainian Center, Passaic, NJ

Immigration Legal Aid Clinic and Networking, March 10, 2017. Ukrainian Center, Passaic, NJ.

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